Family Retreat 2010

Family Retreat 2010
Alicia and me

Friday, May 17, 2019

Appointment to meet Ruth

How my appointment with Ruth Tein was a ticket to Bangkok!
Please give feedback about this part of my new book.

PART 5: Baptist Student Center ESL 2016-2017
I Corinthians 1:9 "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."

Part of God's GPS includes meetings and fellowship that helps us become a  more mature Christian.
 My tenure at the Baptist Student Center was a learning experience. I went to teach and stayed to be taught by many dear dedicated Christians. They each provided opportunities to share the fellowship of our Lord and each other.

Meeting Ruth 

       Going to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in July 2016 was meant to be a relaxing vacation. As usual the trip was full of blessings. My economical camp site was within walking distance of the southern ranger center and made the park shuttle accessible. 
      The shuttle was paid for by my Park entry fee. It was hop on hop off trip. After several short hikes with my trusty wooden stick. The middle stop was the center of the Park where videos and souvenirs were available. 
       The best souvenir was a chance meeting with Ruth Tein  and her wheel chair riding husband. After a declined offering to assist the two, Ruth and I shared the first of many chats. From Ruth I learned that Thailand was a ripe mission field. Her husband managed a Christian radio station in Bangkok.
        Ruth said there were chances to serve but Thatcher and her husband did not house missionaries. The result of the chance meeting was shared email addresses. God's ticket to His next adventure.

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