Family Retreat 2010

Family Retreat 2010
Alicia and me

Friday, January 10, 2025

Hello 2025

 The 4 th year of ESL instruction begins on January 13 on the West Campus of Amarillo College!

The video incapsulatea goals o 2024.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

 Amarillo 2024 

                                    Ready for More 

       After 2 Years as an AEL Instructor at Amarillo College, I have come to appreciate the dedication of our immigrants. Positivity and intelligence mark immigrants’ willingness to learn about English and culture of the USA. 

       The curriculum includes proper grammar usage and Symantec’s in writing and understanding and applying basic computer skills and networking.


Friday, December 9, 2022

Bethesda Center, Amarillo, Texas. ESL

 God opened the next door at starting in 2015. During overseas trips my place aa a Trinity Dream Team member was always saved while I traveled.

In my nest post I will include some of my dear students.

The work at Bethesda was the beginning of a new phase of what God had in mind for me. In August 2022, Amarillo College offered me an opportunity to teach ESL classes at the Washington Street Campus. Since the door opened, I prayed for GPS to accept the new challenge. 


Beginning in 2020, the Amazing Tain offered me the opportunity to go to China by Skype. Three wonderful ladies joined me twice a week to study English using the Bible as a text book.

No picture  of Tain. He has been a faithful mentor of my missionary work via the Internet. 

God creates families and friends around the world. Two years of lessons with the Chinese sisters blessed the days of being home bound. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Role Models.. Ruth, James, Linda

Ruth Follow -Up

         By mid August, my gmail to Ruth was on its way.The response repeated the information about her living circumstances. There was no place for a missionary of any kind in her home.  She prayerfully researched possibilities.
          Multitudes of  thoughts popped up in my mind and heart and on to my prayer list. They kept knocking at the door my procrastinating brain. 
     Late in September Ruth forwarded information about and a gmail address for James Redeker. 

     From there on the itinerary was in God's hands. 

      Ruth and I only had email communications until my arrival.
    After about two weeks, my Thai cell was in service. Ruth and I made an appointment to meet ECB (Evangelical Church of Bangkok.
       As a greeter it was easy to find Ruth. She shared my pew as Dr King fed us good Manna. Lunch was our next event we went to the mall one soi from the church. 
   Thanks to Ruth, I found my favorite set of restaurants. On the Fifth Floor of the seven story mall was a glass encased eating area with about 50 stalls. Before entering, proto call was to buy a cash card to make purchases from each stall.  All types of Thai delicacies were cooked fresh as one watched independent chefs. Each was priced well with in my budget. For 80 baht ($2.40) it was possible to receive a nutricious meal: meat, vegetables, rice and a fresh fruit smoothy including ice cream or sticky rice for dessert.
        Before the end of my tenure at BSC, Ruth and I shared a taxi ride and attendance at a Christian Thai wedding at her husband's church.  His Mission in Bangkok was managing a Christian raisin station.  Ruth and I spoke occasionally on our cells.
       She introduced me to the ins and outs of Thai culture, the best of Bangkok  and an English/Thai church home at ECB.
Truly a God appointed  guide.

James My Role Model-Meeting

    Through multiple forwarded messages, a connection was finally made with James  Redeker . He questioned my experience and my dedication to the Lord. James agreed to lift the mission possibility in prayer.I sensed that he was not eager to introduce me to a mission site. Some how, my request was forwarded to Tain.
       By the end of September, the required paper work for a Thai visa was in process. Tain requested: an application, transcripts, insurance verifications, and letters of testimony and reference. The tentative time of service was from October 30 to December 29, the sixth term at the Baptist Student Center in Bangkok.
       God solved timing issues and I was Asia bound on October 29 for two transfers and 30 hours of travel time.
       At 9:00pm (2100) I walked into the Bangkok airport to be greeted by Peter.

Follow up

         James and Linda, his wife, lived in Oklahoma. In past years, the couple were full time missionaries serving at BSC as director and educators. Frequently, during the winter term from October to December, they journeyed back to Bangkok to serve and take advantage of lower rates for dental and medical services.
         With the or twelve co-workers, we shared quarters at the BSC guest house until December.
        James was an active minister and teacher at the New Vision Baptist Church. BSC and the church shared the five story building on Phaya Thai Road. The guest house was adjacent to the church. It sat in an ideal location next to the Skytrain on a main thoroughfare near the center of Bangkok. Several years before the property was purchased from the royal family.    
        (Bangkok, the 8 million citizen capital of Thailand, is the hub of Government and commerce on the  Chao Phraya River.)
        We hit the ground running. The morning  after my arrival was registration day. Our job was to evaluate and place students into one of the eight levels of classes that would best help improve  their English language skills.. 
        During our lunch break, James and  Linda treated me to an elegant meal at a hotel within walking distance. They familiarized me with the neighborhood around the school. Part of the procedure was to learn to exchange money at a local Bank and find shopping resources.
        As a side light, we learned that Rama 9, the current King of Thailand, had passed away  earlier in the month. The entire country had just entered a one year season of mourning. In respect for the King everyone wore black and a black ribbon in remembrance of his passing at all time s.
         My first experience with the  Buddhist culture of my host country and the expectations of BSC began within 18 hours of my arrival thanks to the Redeckers.
         The couple and I shared many joyful days for the next 8 weeks. Like a sponge I soaked as much information as possible. 
      Christian brothers and sisters are excellent role models and encouragers.

 God helped me listen to  and learn from the Redekers.

James Redeker Thanksgiving 2016

Friday, May 17, 2019

Appointment to meet Ruth

How my appointment with Ruth Tein was a ticket to Bangkok!
Please give feedback about this part of my new book.

PART 5: Baptist Student Center ESL 2016-2017
I Corinthians 1:9 "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."

Part of God's GPS includes meetings and fellowship that helps us become a  more mature Christian.
 My tenure at the Baptist Student Center was a learning experience. I went to teach and stayed to be taught by many dear dedicated Christians. They each provided opportunities to share the fellowship of our Lord and each other.

Meeting Ruth 

       Going to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in July 2016 was meant to be a relaxing vacation. As usual the trip was full of blessings. My economical camp site was within walking distance of the southern ranger center and made the park shuttle accessible. 
      The shuttle was paid for by my Park entry fee. It was hop on hop off trip. After several short hikes with my trusty wooden stick. The middle stop was the center of the Park where videos and souvenirs were available. 
       The best souvenir was a chance meeting with Ruth Tein  and her wheel chair riding husband. After a declined offering to assist the two, Ruth and I shared the first of many chats. From Ruth I learned that Thailand was a ripe mission field. Her husband managed a Christian radio station in Bangkok.
        Ruth said there were chances to serve but Thatcher and her husband did not house missionaries. The result of the chance meeting was shared email addresses. God's ticket to His next adventure.